Reports from Itsekiri oil bearing and impacted communities within the Chevron operating areas in Warri North, Warri South and Warri South – West are gearing for civil action against the multinational, Chevron Nigeria limited over perceived tricks and dilly dallying tactics of the latter towards the award of contracts for the 2021/2022 circle projects of the Itsekiri Regional Development Committee (I.R.D.C). The communities are accusing Chevron of deliberately frustrating the contract award processes for the 2021/2022 circle projects which began since the middle of 2021. They reason that Chevrons tactics is calculated to ensure they continue to hold on to the communities’ funds in their possession while using it for their own business while the communities languish in perpetual wait.
The matter came to a head on Thursday the 30th of June 2020 when a scheduled board meeting of the IRDC, CHEVRON refused to approve of all the projects presented after a pain taking analyses and selection of bids. This angered the communities’ representatives in IRDC and hence have resorted to self-help by activating all their cells including the youth, community women and trust bodies ahead of a reschedule board meeting of IRDC slated for Tuesday the 5th of July, 2022. In the words of a community leader in Olero operation field who prefers anonymity “if by Tuesday the 5th of July, 2022, Chevron refuse to answer us, we shall embark on a complete shut down of all their operations from Ugborodo to Omadino, to Olero and to Dibi fields”